A Virtue-Ethical Approach to the Dispute over the Restriction on Baseball Bat in Amateur Baseball League 인문,사회과학편 : 사회인야구 배트 규제 논쟁에 대한 덕 윤리적 접근
54(2) 1-10, 2015
A Virtue-Ethical Approach to the Dispute over the Restriction on Baseball Bat in Amateur Baseball League 인문,사회과학편 : 사회인야구 배트 규제 논쟁에 대한 덕 윤리적 접근
The purpose of this study was to try to find an ethical solution to restriction problem on baseball bat in amateur baseball league. For the moment, the trace of debate on restriction on baseball bat was reviewed before the arguments for or against the restriction on baseball bat were comparatively analyzed. The arguments for the restriction on baseball bat were based on the prevention of a wound and accidents, the pursuit of record and a ‘win at all cost’ attitude, and unfair advantage. The arguments against the restriction on baseball bat on the other hand were based on the infringing the autonomy of baseball club members, the revitalization of the market of baseball equipments, a general practice, and the reduction of pleasure of batting. Virtue ethics was proposed as a complimentary solution to solve this sharp conflict between the two arguments. Participants in amateur baseball league were supposed as members of a specified community such as a community of amateur baseball league from the standpoint of virtue ethics, not separate and isolated individuals from that community. Therefore, members of amateur baseball league would have to find a clue for solving the dispute over the restriction on baseball bat in amateur baseball league by controling their desire in the pursuit of the common good of a community of amateur baseball league.
Key Words
amateur baseball League, baseball bat, sports ethics, applied ethics, virtue ethics, constitutive community
Social Network Analysis on Youth`s Popularity in Physical Education Classes and Aggression 인문,사회과학편 : 체육수업에서의 청소년의 인기도와 공격성에 관한 사회연결망 분석
54(2) 11-24, 2015
Social Network Analysis on Youth`s Popularity in Physical Education Classes and Aggression 인문,사회과학편 : 체육수업에서의 청소년의 인기도와 공격성에 관한 사회연결망 분석
This study investigated the relationship between popularity and aggression of youth in physical education classes. To this end, this study was sampled total of 100 students in three classrooms of B coeducational middle school located in C city. Validity and reliability were verified through professional meetings, factor analysis and reliability analysis. Data analysis was utilized to NetMiner program. Conclusions are as follows. First, the social measurement popularity networks of youth in physical education classes(PEC) is generally broken down into two sub-groups, perceived popularity networks are showing solidarity group 1. It also shows a phenomenon in which a small number of students accepted dominated the popular choice from a large number of students. The main determinants of social measurement popularity and perceived popularity is such exercise abilities. Second, the perceived popularity of youth in PEC is closely related with the perceived popularity of the classes. Third, social measurement and perceived popularity in PEC, exercise abilities, and aggression has a relationship.
Key Words
youth, popularity, aggression, physical education, social network analysis
Trends and Issues in Elementary Physical Education Research in Sociological Perspectives and Future Directions 인문,사회과학편 : 초등학교 체육교육의 사회학적 연구동향과 향후 과제
구희영HeeYoungKoo , 이미송MiSongRhee
54(2) 25-40, 2015
Trends and Issues in Elementary Physical Education Research in Sociological Perspectives and Future Directions 인문,사회과학편 : 초등학교 체육교육의 사회학적 연구동향과 향후 과제
구희영HeeYoungKoo , 이미송MiSongRhee
The purpose of this study was to examine trends and issues from elementary physical education in sociological perspective and suggested future directions for development closely related to sociology of sport and physical education. To address these, contexts of about 68 studies were reviewed based on their topics, subjects and methods by selecting 5 journals. As results of reviewing the topics of sociology of sport concerning elementary physical education, the number of topics, subjects and methods in the studies were categorized into 9, 8, and 4 respectively. The most ratio of the topics was the analysis for real condition and contexts of socialization. Most subjects in the studies were students, and methods of quantitative and qualitative study or literature review were conducted similarly. Based on these findings, three suggestions were provided. First, the studies should be conducted for diverse research objects and subjects. Second, future research should explore various topics properly intertwined with elementary physical education in sociological perspective. Third, it is worthy to have efforts toward conducting discourse analysis.
Socio-ecological Meaning, Concern, and Improvement Plan Associated with Physical Activity in Older Population in Rural Area: A Mixed Method Inquiry 인문,사회과학편 : 시골거주 노인들의 신체활동과 관련된 사회생태학적 의미, 문제, 그리고 개선방안: 혼합 연구
54(2) 41-57, 2015
Socio-ecological Meaning, Concern, and Improvement Plan Associated with Physical Activity in Older Population in Rural Area: A Mixed Method Inquiry 인문,사회과학편 : 시골거주 노인들의 신체활동과 관련된 사회생태학적 의미, 문제, 그리고 개선방안: 혼합 연구
The purpose of this study was to understand physical activity level and pattern of older adults lived in a rural area and to provide improvement plan for those who are physically inactive. This study employed mixed method design including IPAQ and Photovoice technique. Among several mixed method traditions, this study used a "nesting" design. The purpose of the nesting design was complementarity. Total 61 older adults were invited to the first session and 14.7% of those were physically inactive based on DHHS physical activity guideline. In the second session, 9 participants were invited. Participants discussed the following themes associated with their physical activity: inappropriate environment, indisposition due to frailty, functional limits of welfare facilities, and mis-perception of physical activity. Based on these themes, this study attempted to suggest the improvement plans based upon socio-ecological model including health education at the individual level, sharing health related information and interpersonal supports at the interpersonal level, providing diverse health care services and suggestions for public policy at the organizational and community level, and active efforts to change of policy and better supporting at the public policy level.
Key Words
Older adults, Physical Activity, Mixed Method, IPAQ, Socioecological model
Red Devils` Street Cheering Motivation for 2014 World Cup and Phase Transitions of Cheering Motivation Among three World Cups 인문,사회과학편 : 2014월드컵 붉은악마의 거리응원 동기와 거리응원 동기의 역동성
Red Devils` Street Cheering Motivation for 2014 World Cup and Phase Transitions of Cheering Motivation Among three World Cups 인문,사회과학편 : 2014월드컵 붉은악마의 거리응원 동기와 거리응원 동기의 역동성
The purpose of this study was to investigate the motives of street cheering in 2014 World Cup, to make a comparison of the motives of street cheering in 2010 World Cup with those for 2002 World Cup, and to explore the change phase of street cheering motives during three world cup games. For this study, open-ended questionnaires were used to explore the motives of street cheering of 677 red devils. As results, 1,730 responses were collected for street cheering motives and based on results of a previous research(Young-Kil, Y & Oh-Jung, K, 2012), these responses were categorized as four themes, which were cheering(37.2%), exhilaration(29.1%), cohesion(17%), and experience(16.7%). The frequency and factors of specific areas of street cheering motives were analyzed in order to explore the phase of street cheering motives of 2002, 2010, and 2014 world cup games. Consequently, "cheering" and "exhilaration" were steady, "cohesion" was declined, and "experience" was increased. It means that national mood with sociocultural trends at the World Cup season, Korean soccer team’s athletic performance, game times, cheering sites, and weather have significant effects on red devils’ cheering motivation. It is expected this study would suggest a comprehension about red devils’ cheering motivation and dynamic of street cheering motivation.
Key Words
Street cheering motivation, cheering, exhilaration, cohesiveness, experience, dynamics of cheering motivation
Examining Validation of the Attitudes to Moral Decision-Making in Youth Sport Questionnaire 인문,사회과학편 : 유소년 운동선수의 도덕적 의사결정 태도 척도의 타당화
54(2) 73-87, 2015
Examining Validation of the Attitudes to Moral Decision-Making in Youth Sport Questionnaire 인문,사회과학편 : 유소년 운동선수의 도덕적 의사결정 태도 척도의 타당화
The purpose study was to examine the validation of the Attitudes to Moral Decision-Making in Youth Sport Questionnaire (AMDYSQ) self-reported measure designed to assess the levels of ethical attitudes in youth athletes which was development from the work by Lee, Whitehead and Ntoumanis (2007) in the context of sport. This study followed the Guidelines for Translating and Adapting tests given by the International Test Commissions (ITC). First, forty-eight participants were identified to equivalence of items on the Korea version of AMDYSQ. Subsequently, exploratory (EFA) and confirmatory (CFA) factor analyses with samples of 337 and 287 participants eliminated unsuitable items, to improve conceptual clarity and factorial validity. The K-AMDYSQ had 3 factors with 16 items and eliminated 1 item from acceptance of cheating, 1 item from acceptance of gamesmanship, and 2 items from keeping winning in proportion. The K-AMDYSQ demonstrated good internal consistency and factorial validity in the Korea. This scale could be help to understanding of the role of moral disengagement on moral behavior in the sport setting.
Key Words
Sport, Morality, Moral decision-making, Validity, Fairplay, Youth sport
Effects of Burnout on Cognitive Information Processing in Adolescent Athletes 인문,사회과학편 : 운동 탈진이 선수의 인지정보처리에 미치는 영향
This study investigated the effects of burnout on cognitive information processing in adolescent athletes. One-hundred sixty physical education high school students completed the Burnout Scale. Twenty-four participants were then assigned to one of two experimental conditions: Higher Burnout group (n=12) and Lower Burnout group (n=12). Their ages ranged from 17 to 19, with a mean age of 18.1 years. Subjects were divided into two groups. Data was analyzed using a independent t-test and two-way ANOVA (2 groups × 3 region). Dependent variables were reaction time, response accuracy, amplitude, and latency. The P300 data obtained from the two experimental groups were compared. The electroencephalographic data collected from Fz, Cz, and Pz were used to assess the latency and amplitude of P300 during an oddball task. The results of this study indicated that the Higher burnout group yielded shorter reaction time and longer P300 latency than the Lower burnout group. The results of this study suggest that the experience of burnout is associated with the decline of cognitive information processing in adolescent athletes.
A Study on Relation among Participation Motives, Flow Experience and Training Satisfaction of Taekwondo Participants 인문,사회과학편 : 태권도 수련동기와 몰입, 수련만족 간의 관계
송창섭ChangSupSong , 황규영GyuYoungHwang
54(2) 99-110, 2015
A Study on Relation among Participation Motives, Flow Experience and Training Satisfaction of Taekwondo Participants 인문,사회과학편 : 태권도 수련동기와 몰입, 수련만족 간의 관계
송창섭ChangSupSong , 황규영GyuYoungHwang
The purpose of this study was to examined how the participation motives of taekwondo practitioners affects flow experience and satisfaction of Taekwondo. The respondents of the present research consisted of practicing taekwondo and it employed the convenience sampling method and makes a use of 196 for the final analyses. As the methods of research, participation motives, flow experience and training satisfaction of taekwondo scales were used for the questionnaire. For the statistical analyses, frequency analysis, reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis, multiple regression analysis, structural equation modeling were utilized with the help of the SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 18.0. The findings of the present study are as follows: First, motivation for health shows direct positive effect on flow of emotion and flow of behavior. Second, experience of flow shows direct positive effect on training satisfaction of taekwondo. Third, motivation for health shows direct positive effect on satisfaction of efficacy and leisure relaxation. Finally, self-esteem is not proved to be a medium for participation motives and training satisfaction of taekwondo.
Key Words
Taekwondo, Participation Motives, Flow Experience, Training Satisfaction
Verification of the Psychometric Properties of Counterfactual Scale in Sport 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠 사후가정의 척도개발 및 타당성 검증
The purpose of this study was to develop the conceptual structure of counterfactual thinking in sports and verify its validity to see athletes’regret style following failure events. For this, 448 athletes participated in the preliminary study(N=30) and main study(N=418). Descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability and correlation analysis were conducted with the collected data. The results of confirmatory factor analysis showed that internal structure of counterfactual thinking scale in sports(CTS-SPORTS) consisting of four factors (counterpart-external-subtractive, selfinternal- additive, self-external-additive, and counterpart-internal-subtractive) was composed of 16 items, 4 items for each factor and had discriminant validity and convergent validity for physical self-concept and sport failure attribution respectively. Discussion was made according to the results and suggested following studies regarding regret in sports.
Key Words
counterfactual thinking scale, sports, athletes
A Structural Relation among the Participation Motive, Exercise Passion, Exercise Commitment and Exercise Adherence of the People Participating into the Golf 인문,사회과학편 : 골프 참여자들의 참여동기와 운동열정, 운동몰입, 운동지속수행의 구조적 관계
김욱한WookHanKim , 이봉BongYi
54(2) 137-148, 2015
A Structural Relation among the Participation Motive, Exercise Passion, Exercise Commitment and Exercise Adherence of the People Participating into the Golf 인문,사회과학편 : 골프 참여자들의 참여동기와 운동열정, 운동몰입, 운동지속수행의 구조적 관계
김욱한WookHanKim , 이봉BongYi
This study is objected to provide the basic data through finding the structural relation among the participation motives, exercise passion, exercise commitment and exercise adherence of the people participating into the golf. The inquiry was made with 350 copies of questionnaires for the golfers who were practicing at the golf course located at Suwon, Gyeonggi. 326 copies of the questionnaires were analyzed except 24 copies found as problematic through reviewing the collected questionnaires. The reliability test, correlational analysis and confirmatory factor analysis and structure equation model analysis were made in use of PASW 18.0, AMOS 18.0 program on the collected data. The first analysis revealed that the internal motivation out of the participation motives of the golfers made positive influence on the harmonious passion and obsessive passion, and the external motivation made negative influence on the harmonious passion. Secondly, it was revealed that the internal motivation out of the participation motivation of the golfers made positive influence on the exercise commitment and exercise adherence, and the external motives made positive influence on the exercise adherence. Thirdly, it was found that the harmonious passion out of the exercise passion of the golfers made positive influence on the exercise commitment and exercise adherence, and the obsessive passion made positive influence on the exercise commitment. Finally, it was displayed that the exercise commitment of the golfer made positive influence on the exercise adherence.
Effect of Sport club Physical Activity on Physical Fitness and Basic Psychological Needs, Sports Character of Elementary School Students 인문,사회과학편 : 학교 스포츠클럽활동이 초등학생의 건강 체력, 기본적 심리욕구, 스포츠 품성에 미치는 영향
채창목ChangMokChae , 김영식YoungSikKim
54(2) 149-158, 2015
Effect of Sport club Physical Activity on Physical Fitness and Basic Psychological Needs, Sports Character of Elementary School Students 인문,사회과학편 : 학교 스포츠클럽활동이 초등학생의 건강 체력, 기본적 심리욕구, 스포츠 품성에 미치는 영향
채창목ChangMokChae , 김영식YoungSikKim
This study began with the question, "Is 17 hours per year of sports club activity effective to improve physical fitness and basic psychological attitude and sports character of elementary school students?" Fifty-five (55) fifth and sixth grade students from Y Elementary School participated in the study. Eighteen (18) students participated in sports club for 17 hours in the year; Nineteen (19) students participated three times per week and eighteen (18) students did not participate in the sports club program. Pre and post tests were conducted to compare physical fitness, basic psychological needs and sports character. Muscle endurance, flexibility and power measurements were used for the physical fitness assessment. Questionnaires were used to assess basic psychological needs and sports character. The results of the study were as follows: First, there was a significant difference between physical fitness pre and post test in the three times per week group but the other two groups did not show a significant difference. Second, the three times group scored significantly higher with regards to psychological attitude and sports character than the other two groups. Third, there were not significant differences between the 17 hours per year group and the control group in basic psychological needs and sports character. In conclusion, sports club activity, three or more times per week was found to be effective in increasing physical fitness, basic psychological attitude and sports character of elementary school students.
Key Words
sport club, psychological needs, sports character
Exploring the Bright and Dark Sides of "Good Teaching" in Elementary Physical Education Classes 인문,사회과학편 : "좋은 초등체육수업"의 명암 드러내기
이영국YoungKukLee , 엄우섭WooSeobEom
54(2) 159-175, 2015
Exploring the Bright and Dark Sides of "Good Teaching" in Elementary Physical Education Classes 인문,사회과학편 : "좋은 초등체육수업"의 명암 드러내기
이영국YoungKukLee , 엄우섭WooSeobEom
The purpose of this study was to explore the ‘bright’ (as a metaphor of positive aspect) and ‘dark’ (as a metaphor of negative aspect) sides of ‘good teaching’ in the elementary PE classes based on qualitative research which included the method of ethnography. Data were collected from following 3 methods: (a) researchers’ participant observation in the PE classes of 10 teachers who were representative teachers on the 10 districts’ offices of educational support in N city, (b) interviews with 10 teachers teaching PE classes and 5 participants observing their PE classes, and (c) texts which included field notes and documents. Constant comparison methods, member check, and auditing were used to analyze and organize the data throughout the research process. The researchers identified two main categories from this data. First, in ‘the bright side of good teaching’, the PE classes following curriculum and effective teaching methods were examined. Second, in ‘the dark side of good teaching,’ the PE classes not realizing the curriculum and effective teaching methods were examined. Finally, teachers’ roles for improving the PE classes in the elementary school were described.
Key Words
physical education, curriculum, ethnography
An Ethnography Study on Sport Club Experiences in College of Physical Education 인문,사회과학편 : 체육대학 스포츠동아리 경험에 관한 문화기술적 연구
김동환DongWhanKim , 김동학DongHakKim
54(2) 177-193, 2015
An Ethnography Study on Sport Club Experiences in College of Physical Education 인문,사회과학편 : 체육대학 스포츠동아리 경험에 관한 문화기술적 연구
김동환DongWhanKim , 김동학DongHakKim
This study aims to understand the culture of the members of a sports club in a college of physical education in the experiences of their activities and reveal the values and belief systems in their interactions. To achieve these goals, the ethnographic method among the qualitative research methods was used. As for the subjects of the study, eight members of a sports club in the college of physical education at a university located in Gyeonggi-do were selected as participants. For data collection, direct experiential method, in-depth interview, autobiographic questionnaire and open-ended questionnaire were used, and the results were drawn from a ethnographic analysis. The results were drawn as follows: first, ‘Understanding club culture: Familyship’; second, ‘Conflict in the club culture: Tradition vs. Change’; third, ‘Educational value of the club culture: Curriculum changing life’; fourth, ‘Role and future of the club: Things gained through enjoyment!’; and lastly, ‘Condition for continuing club culture: Change to restart.’
Key Words
College of physical education, sports club, ethnography
The Relationship among Coach`s Belief, Coaching Knowledge and Characteristics of Athletic Coaches 인문,사회과학편 : 육상지도자의 특성과 코치신념 및 코칭지식의 관계
윤찬수ChanSooYoon , 김현식HyunSikKim
54(2) 195-207, 2015
The Relationship among Coach`s Belief, Coaching Knowledge and Characteristics of Athletic Coaches 인문,사회과학편 : 육상지도자의 특성과 코치신념 및 코칭지식의 관계
윤찬수ChanSooYoon , 김현식HyunSikKim
The purpose of this study is to empirically explore the relationship among coach’s belief, coaching knowledge and characteristics of athletic coaches. For this purpose, athletic coaches across the country registered in Korea Association of Athletics Federation in 2014 were chosen as the population of study subject and 610 coaches were selected by stratified cluster random sampling. Survey tool was questionnaire, which were developed to fit the purpose of this study. Descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way analysis of variance, effect size analysis, correlation analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis and analysis of structural model were conducted on collected data using statistical program Windows SPSS PC+ 20 Version and AMOS 20.0. The result of the analysis based on the above study results and procedures are as follows, first, depending on demographic characteristics of athletic coaches, there is partially significant difference between coach’s belief and coaching knowledge. Second, there is significant causal relationship between characteristics of athletic coaches and coaching knowledge. The characteristics of athletic coaches have significant effect on coach’s belief and coaching knowledge, and coach’ belief has significant effect on coaching knowledge. With coach’s belief as a mediating variable, the characteristics of athletic coaches have great effect on coaching knowledge.
Students` Evaluation on Internal System of Elementary Physical Education Textbooks 인문,사회과학편 : 초등학교 체육교과서 내적 체제에 대한 학습자 평가
우준하JunHaWoo , 유정애JeongAeYou
54(2) 209-221, 2015
Students` Evaluation on Internal System of Elementary Physical Education Textbooks 인문,사회과학편 : 초등학교 체육교과서 내적 체제에 대한 학습자 평가
우준하JunHaWoo , 유정애JeongAeYou
Recently, Korean government has attempted to establish the educational policy for developing learners’ friendly textbooks. However, some criticism has been given to school textbooks that could not meet the needs and expectations of learners. Physical education textbooks are no exception. Moreover, there is little attention to do research on analysis of learners’ educational needs toward physical education textbooks. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to evaluate the internal system of elementary physical education textbooks in terms of the fifth and sixth graders’ eyes. For doing this, 975 elementary students in Seoul are conveniently sampled and surveyed and analyzed using t-test and one way ANOVA. As a results, the fifth graders have positively evaluated the internal system of physical education textbooks than the sixth graders. Secondly, males and females have done similar evaluation to elementary P.E. textbooks. Third, learners with high motor ability have positively evaluated than learners with low motor ability. Fourth, learners with high academic ability have positively evaluated than learners with low academic ability. Based on these results, three directions(e.g., the use of strategy for increasing learners’ interest on textbooks, increasing differentiated learning activities based on motor ability level, and increasing learning contents for facilitating learners’ cognitive activities) are suggested for developing P.E. textbooks.
The Structural Relationships between the Attributes of Cause-Related Marketing(CRM), Team Image, and Parent Company Image in the Korean Professional Baseball League 인문,사회과학편 : 프로야구구단의 공익연계마케팅(CRM) 속성요인과 구단이미지, 모기업 이미지의 구조적 관계
백우열WooYeulBaek , 김봉경BongGyungKim
54(2) 223-236, 2015
The Structural Relationships between the Attributes of Cause-Related Marketing(CRM), Team Image, and Parent Company Image in the Korean Professional Baseball League 인문,사회과학편 : 프로야구구단의 공익연계마케팅(CRM) 속성요인과 구단이미지, 모기업 이미지의 구조적 관계
백우열WooYeulBaek , 김봉경BongGyungKim
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the causal relationships between Cause-Related Marketing(CRM) attributes, team image, and parent company image in the Korean Professional League. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, we collected a total of 324(95.0%) questionnaires from 3 home games of Doosan Bears, SK Wyverns, and Lotte Giants baseball teams and performed a structural equation modeling(SEM) analysis. The followings are the results of the current study. First, the path coefficient between team-cause fit and team image was statistically significant(p<.05). Second, the path coefficient between team’s CRM participation motivation and team image was statistically significant(p<.05). Third, the path coefficient between team’s CRM donation amount appropriateness and team image was statistically significant(p<.05). Lastly, the path coefficient between team and parent company image was statically significant(p<.05). Results of the present study is expected to help those Korean professional baseball teams that consider CRM as an alternative marketing communication measures come up with optimized CRM strategies.
Key Words
cause-related marketing, CRM attributes, team image, parent company image, Korean professional baseball League
Factors Influencing Professional Baseball Fans` Acceptance of the Social Networking Service (SNS) provided by the Korean Professional Baseball Teams: From the Expanded Technology Acceptance Model Perspective 인문,사회과학편 : 기술수용모델(TAM)의 확장을 통한 프로야구 팬들의 구단 SNS수용에 관한 연구
배정섭JungSupBae , 원도연DoYeonWon , 조광민KwangMinCho
54(2) 237-251, 2015
Factors Influencing Professional Baseball Fans` Acceptance of the Social Networking Service (SNS) provided by the Korean Professional Baseball Teams: From the Expanded Technology Acceptance Model Perspective 인문,사회과학편 : 기술수용모델(TAM)의 확장을 통한 프로야구 팬들의 구단 SNS수용에 관한 연구
배정섭JungSupBae , 원도연DoYeonWon , 조광민KwangMinCho
The purpose of this study was to investigate what influences professional baseball fans’ acceptance of the social networking service (SNS) provided by Korean professional baseball teams using the extended theory of the Technology Acceptance Model. The expanded theoretical model included perceived information quality of SNS, perceived user trust on SNS, and intention to attend the professional baseball games and this proposed model was tested mainly with a structural modeling technique. The results from 388 professional baseball fans revealed that, firstly, SNS information quality had a positive effect on both perceived easiness and usefulness while perceived easiness had a positive effect on perceived usefulness of SNS. Secondly, perceived usefulness of SNS had a positive effect on user trust on SNS and intention to use SNS. Lastly, intention to use SNS had a positive effect on intention to attend the baseball games.
Key Words
Technology Acceptance Model, TAM, SNS information quality, SNS user trust, spectatorship
The Influence of Perceived Organizational Justice on Innovation Resistance among Instructors in Sport Centers: The Mediating Effects of Organizational Trust 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠센터 지도자들의 조직공정성 인식이 혁신저항에 미치는 영향: 조직신뢰의 매개효과 분석
서효민HyoMinSeo , 손지효JiHyoSon , 장경로KyungRoChang
54(2) 253-267, 2015
The Influence of Perceived Organizational Justice on Innovation Resistance among Instructors in Sport Centers: The Mediating Effects of Organizational Trust 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠센터 지도자들의 조직공정성 인식이 혁신저항에 미치는 영향: 조직신뢰의 매개효과 분석
서효민HyoMinSeo , 손지효JiHyoSon , 장경로KyungRoChang
This study investigated the effects of perceived organizational justice on innovation resistance among instructors in sport centers and examined the mediating effects of organizational trust on these relationships. Total 274 sport instructors participated in this study. The data were analyzed by structural equation modeling, and the results of this study were as follows: First, distributive justice had a negative effect on psychological resistance, while distributive justice had no significant effect on behavioral resistance. Second, procedural justice had a negative effect on psychological resistance and behavioral resistance. Third, both distributive justice and procedural justice had a positive effect on organizational trust. Fourth, organizational trust had a negative effect on psychological resistance and behavioral resistance. Fifth, organizational trust had a partial mediating effect on the relationship between distributive justice and psychological resistance and a full mediating effect on the relationship between distributive justice and behavioral resistance. Also, organizational trust had a partial mediating effect on the relationship between procedural justice and innovation resistance.
Effect of Sharing and Progressing through Management Measures on jOb Satisfaction in Public Sport Facility 인문,사회과학편 : 공공체육시설 관리척도의 도입이 직무만족에 미치는 영향
이상범SangBumLee , 김병식ByungShikKim
54(2) 369-383, 2015
Effect of Sharing and Progressing through Management Measures on jOb Satisfaction in Public Sport Facility 인문,사회과학편 : 공공체육시설 관리척도의 도입이 직무만족에 미치는 영향
이상범SangBumLee , 김병식ByungShikKim
The purpose of this study was to analyze important factors for the management of the site rather than as evaluation practitioners relationship according to sharing and progressing through management measures on job satisfaction in public sport facilities. It is necessary to structure effective facilities management through the voice of the public sport facilities on-site. 221 employees (92.0%) around Gyeonggido area were analyzed by descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and covariance structure analysis using SPSS 19.0 and AMOS 18.0 program. The conclusions were as follows. First, utilization management had an effect on sharing and progressing. So the need of the health space through the using was emphasized. Second, safety management had an insignificant effect on sharing and progressing. But it was emphasized to change a insensitivity and complacency work of the safety management with how to develop a safety management materialized. Third, administrative management had an effect on sharing and progressing. So reduced repetitive and exhaustive task needs has proposed for efficient advanced administration. In brief, structural model between sharing and progressing through management measures in public sport facilities and job satisfaction is suitable. Therefore, the importance of facilities management systems used in the field of exploitation has been verified.
A Study on the Customer Reward Program Factors in Ski Resort 인문,사회과학편 : 스키리조트의 고객 보상프로그램 요인에 관한 연구
변경원KyungWonByeon , 김영기YoungKiKim
54(2) 285-297, 2015
A Study on the Customer Reward Program Factors in Ski Resort 인문,사회과학편 : 스키리조트의 고객 보상프로그램 요인에 관한 연구
변경원KyungWonByeon , 김영기YoungKiKim
This study aimed to research customer reward program factors of ski resorts in Korea through surveying the expert panel side and the customer side. This study conducted survey for 28 practicians that have been working for the department of customer reception of 6 different ski resorts all over the country and 7 faculties quited well-known in the academic circles. Delphi technique has been used to conduct survey customer reward program factors of the supplier side till the 3rd survey as the final. Based on this survey, an interview and a questionnaire survey have been used to conduct survey customer reward program factors that have been aware by the 50 customers, who have visited the ski resorts in 2014, and compared those two surveys above. In order to process the data, descriptive statistic analysis and Kendall W test have been utilized PASWWIN Ver. 18.0. The results were as follows: discount factor 8 articles, promotion factor 10 articles, package factor 5 articles, and convenience factor 6 articles have been produced as a good result.
Structural Relationship among User Experience, Flow and Satisfaction of Electronic Hogu System in the Taekwondo Game 인문,사회과학편 : 태권도 경기에서 전자호구 시스템의 사용자 경험, 몰입 및 만족의 구조적 관계
김봉경BongGyungKim , 백우열WooYeulBaek
54(2) 299-312, 2015
Structural Relationship among User Experience, Flow and Satisfaction of Electronic Hogu System in the Taekwondo Game 인문,사회과학편 : 태권도 경기에서 전자호구 시스템의 사용자 경험, 몰입 및 만족의 구조적 관계
김봉경BongGyungKim , 백우열WooYeulBaek
The purpose of this study was to find the effects of user experience on flow and satisfaction of electronic hogu system in the taekwondo game. The subjects were players who had experience using electronic hogu system in the taekwondo game for 2014 year 7month~10month. 652 samples out of 750 samples through convenient sampling method were adopted as a final data. We confirmed the goodness of fit test of the model, utilizing SPSS WIN Ver 18.0, and AMOS 7.0, and after which we tested each hypothesis. The results were as follows; First, sentient, emotional, cognitive, behavioral, relational experience of user experience did not have a significant influence on cognition flow. Second, sentient, emotional, relational experience of user experience did not have a significant influence on behavioral flow. Third, cognitive, behavioral experience of user experience had a significant influence on behavioral flow. Fourth, cognition, behavioral flow had a significant influence on satisfaction. Fifth, factor between native and foreigner taekwondo players had significantly different. This paper is a meaningful to figure out user satisfaction of electronic hogu system in taekwondo games and maximize athletic performance.
Key Words
electronic hogu system, user experience, flow, satisfaction
Reinventory of the SLS: development of SLSII 인문,사회과학편 : 진지한여가 척도의 재정립
54(2) 313-322, 2015
Reinventory of the SLS: development of SLSII 인문,사회과학편 : 진지한여가 척도의 재정립
The current study reviewed critical issues of several serious leisure measures with a purpose to refine the serious leisure scale (SLS) pertaining to the characteristics of serious leisure. The review of the most commonly known scales in the extant literatures include the serious leisure sports experience scale (SLSES), serious leisure inventory and measure (SLIM), and the serious leisure scale (SLS). The review results generated meaningful insights that supplemented the serious leisure scale and further examination of reliability and validity tests provided empirical evidence to support the scale. The SLS reconstruction process involved six serious leisure experts to redefine scale dimensions, serious leisure qualities, and measurement items. Total of three hundred and eighty subjects participating in leisure sport activities were surveyed for statistical analysis. The analysis results indicated six serious leisure qualities (i.e., perseverance, leisure career, personal effort, durable benefits, leisure identity, and unique ethos). The serious leisure scale was finally redefined and labeled as the serious leisure scale II (SLSII). This particular scale may significantly contribute to research development in the domain of leisure studies in general and serious leisure in particular.
Key Words
Serious Leisure, serious Leisure scale, scale development
The Characteristics of School Sports Club Cheerleading and the Meanings of Participation 인문,사회과학편 : 학교스포츠클럽 치어리딩의 특성과 참여 의미
54(2) 323-338, 2015
The Characteristics of School Sports Club Cheerleading and the Meanings of Participation 인문,사회과학편 : 학교스포츠클럽 치어리딩의 특성과 참여 의미
This study aims to comprehend the characteristics of school sports club cheerleading and explore the meanings of participation. For achieving this purpose, as research participants, 11 middle school students, 2 instructors and 2 gym teachers were chosen using the purposeful sampling method and data were collected. The collected data were analyzed using the domain analysis, classification analysis and component analysis methods suggested by Spradley(1980) and data authenticity was verified through a review between the group members. The study results are as follows. First, an increase in participation in school sports club cheerleading, a mixed genre of dance’s aesthetic elements and sports, an improvement in school name yelling and school spirit, an establishment of a positive body image in adolescence and career of elite athletes were found to be the characteristics of school sports club cheerleading. Second, participation attributes(a desire to pleasure of physical activities, an expectation for new experience and curiosity), participation results(flexibility improvement, correction of posture, goal achievement of difficult physical activities, pleasure and peer relationship, a conquest drop-out conflict, community school spirit improvement), and participation values(reputation and recognition as a representative team of school, an improvement in physical and mental confidence and an accumulation of future competency and experience) were extracted as the meanings of participation in school sports club cheerleading.
Key Words
School Sports Club, Cheerleading, Meanings of Participation, Dance, School Spirit
A Study on Restoration and Utilization Plans for Taekkyeon, an Intangible Cultural Property: With a focus on the Wangship-ri of Araedae Taekkyeon 인문,사회과학편 : 무형문화재 택견 복원 및 활용방안: 아래대 택견 왕십리를 중심으로
A Study on Restoration and Utilization Plans for Taekkyeon, an Intangible Cultural Property: With a focus on the Wangship-ri of Araedae Taekkyeon 인문,사회과학편 : 무형문화재 택견 복원 및 활용방안: 아래대 택견 왕십리를 중심으로
The purposes of this study were to reconsider the values of Taekkyeon, a traditional martial art that was regarded as one of the representative cultural assets of Wangship-ri, Seongdong-gu, and make a contribution to the activation of local economy and the establishment of cultural identity. It also aimed to provide basic data to utilize Taekkyeon as a cultural tourism resource of Wangship-ri, Seongdong-gu. As for methodology, the investigator examined the historical significance of Taekkyeon in the Seongdong area, especially Wangship-ri, figured out its current state and condition, identified its problems, and proposed plans to utilize Taekkyeon as the content of historical and cultural tourism in the Seongdong area. The conclusions were as follows: first, the site of Taekkyeon should be named Salgojidari. Second, Taekkyeon 7330 be spread as a sport for all at the Salgoji Sports Park and Seoul Forest. Third, a regular Taekkyeon performance be held along with a Taekkyeon competition at the Wangship-ri Culture Plaza and Seoul Forest. Fourth, experiencing and learning Taekkyeon should be operated by Seongdong-gu. Fifth, a Taekkyeon personality education program be developed and distributed for schools in Seongdong-gu. Finally, Taekkyeon be utilized to create jobs for youths and cultivate social enterprises. Wangship-ri, Seongdong-gu is a historical place where Taekkyeon, Important Intangible Cultural Property No. 76 and UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, prevailed the most 100 years ago. The present study will hopefully help to introduce the excellent body movement of Korean to more people and devise new alternatives to the culture and art content industry through a Taekkyeon restoration project of Wangship-ri.
Key Words
Taekkyeon, intangible cultural property, traditional martial art, cultural asset of Wangship-ri, Salgojidari
Effects of Exercise Intervention Programs for Shoulder Functionality in Korean Breast Cancer Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis 자연과학편 : 운동중재프로그램이 유방암 수술 후 환자의 어깨관절기능에 미치는 효과: 메타분석
54(2) 363-375, 2015
Effects of Exercise Intervention Programs for Shoulder Functionality in Korean Breast Cancer Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis 자연과학편 : 운동중재프로그램이 유방암 수술 후 환자의 어깨관절기능에 미치는 효과: 메타분석
The purpose of this study is to estimate the effects of exercise intervention programs for shoulder functionality (flexion, abduction, internal rotation, external rotation, and extension) in Korean patients, who completed breast cancer surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy or radiation therapy, and to provide the effect size of the exercise intervention programs for the range of motion in shoulder. The selected articles fit four inclusion criteria: 1) identified exercise intervention programs for Korean breast cancer patients, 2) written in Korean, 3) measured pre- and post-outcomes of range of motion for shoulder, and 4) included two groups (experimental group and control group). This systematic review and meta-analysis included eleven studies. Four hundred eleven breast cancer patients participated for this review, having an average age of 53.62 years. Mean duration of the exercise intervention programs for the patients was eight weeks. The patient’s participation in the exercise intervention programs averaged three times a week for about 60 minutes. The exercise intervention groups showed significant improvement in both range of shoulder motion. This study confirmed that the exercise intervention programs had positive effects for improved shoulder functionality for Korean breast cancer patients. Future studies should include all physical functionality, and should identify evidence-based interventions that prove the mechanisms related to physiological and psychological markers, as well as finding biomarkers for helping breast cancer patients.
Key Words
Breast cancer, exercise intervention programs, shoulder functionality, meta-analysis
How Long Days it have to Mature Mitochondrial Function after Repetitive Bouts of Prolonged Endurance Exercise Training 자연과학편 : 반복적인 지구성운동에 따른 골격근 내 미토콘드리아의 기능이 완전히 향상되기 위한 훈련기간
How Long Days it have to Mature Mitochondrial Function after Repetitive Bouts of Prolonged Endurance Exercise Training 자연과학편 : 반복적인 지구성운동에 따른 골격근 내 미토콘드리아의 기능이 완전히 향상되기 위한 훈련기간
The study of the minimum time requirement for complete maturation of mitochondrial function after repetitive bouts of prolonged endurance exercise training has not been fully explored. In this study we estimated mitochondrial maturation point by measuring mitochondrial proteins, electron transport chain and citric acid cycle enzymes, and stage Ⅲ maximal oxygen consumption after 7 and 28 days of daily endurance exercise training. Eighteen rats were randomly divided into 3 group(Sed & 7day Ex, 28day Ex). Animals were performed 6 hour long swimming. Triceps were harvested 18 hours after the last bout of exercise. The expressions of mitochondrial enzymes NADH-UO and COX1, which have short half-lives, were increased from 7 days endurance training, but 28days endurance training show about 3-fold increased compared with Sed group. On the other hands, expressions of mitochondrial enzymes citrate synthase and cytochrome c, which have longer half-lives, were increased about 2.5-fold after 28 days endurance training. The pyruvate oxidation increased from 7 days endurance exercise, but 28 days endurance training showed about 3-fold increase than Sed group. There was significant relationship between pyruvate oxidation and mitocondrial enzymes. These results suggest that endurance training until about 4 weeks needed to fully mature in mitochondrial function.
The Effect of Physical Function and Psychological Factor on the Rehabilitation Exercise Program of the Herniated Nucleus Pulpususdisc Patients 자연과학편 : 재활운동 프로그램이 수핵탈출증 환자의 신체적 기능 및 심리적 요인에 미치는 영향
최지환JiHwanChoi , 허유섭YuSubHuh , 이몽우MongWooLee
54(2) 385-395, 2015
The Effect of Physical Function and Psychological Factor on the Rehabilitation Exercise Program of the Herniated Nucleus Pulpususdisc Patients 자연과학편 : 재활운동 프로그램이 수핵탈출증 환자의 신체적 기능 및 심리적 요인에 미치는 영향
최지환JiHwanChoi , 허유섭YuSubHuh , 이몽우MongWooLee
In order to identify the changes that rehabilitation exercise program has on the physical function and the psychological factors of the herniated nucleus pulpususdisc(HNP) patients, 97 non-surgical patients group(NSPG), 31 percutaneous lumbar discectomy group(PLDG) and 63 percutaneous endoscopic lumbar discectomy group(PELDG) making a total of 191 patients were intended in this study. In order to compared the chronological differences on the changes of each group and dependent variables, the two-way repeated measure ANOVA according to repeated measure and ANCOVA for the variables that don’t have secured homogeneity have been carried out and analyzed to make results as below. First, on the physical function, the NSPG showed differences between groups at week 6 and week 12 compared to the PLDG and PELDG for knee flexion-extension strength, and all NSPG, PLDG and PELDG showed chronological differences within groups at week 6 and week 12 compared to week 0(p<.05). Second, on the psychological factor, the PLDG and PELDG showed differences between groups compared to the PELDG and NSPG each at week 6 and week 12, and all NSPG, PLDG and PELDG showed chronological differences within groups at week 6 and week 12 compared to week 0 for the Oswestry low back pain disability index(p<.05). From these results, active conservative treatment is concerned first as possible in the treatment of the HNP patients. However, in the case of surgical treatment, it is considered that choosing the shorter bed rest method has a positive effect on bodily functions recovery.
Key Words
HNP, NSPG, PLDG, PLEDG, VAS, Oswestry low back pain disability scale
The Effect of Sample Variation from Individual Markers Models on the estimation of the Center of Rotation in Biomechanics 자연과학편 : 개별적 마커모형에 의한 표본이 회전중심 추정에 미치는 영향
54(2) 397-405, 2015
The Effect of Sample Variation from Individual Markers Models on the estimation of the Center of Rotation in Biomechanics 자연과학편 : 개별적 마커모형에 의한 표본이 회전중심 추정에 미치는 영향
STA, soft tissue artefact, takes a huge proportion of errors in photogrammetry. In order to estimate the center of rotation of a human joint with markers having STA, one should use the optimal estimation method in various situations. The purpose of this study is to compare two method of estimating the center of rotation, fitting and transformation methods, given factors of STA magnitude and of functional movements. For combinations of three levels of STA magnitude and three levels of functional movement, each of independent 1000 simulation experiments was performed. The results showed that the bias and the variance of estimator of transformation method had smaller amount than that of fitting method. Therefor, it can be concluded that the transformation method was superior to the fitting method.
Key Words
soft tissue artefact, center of rotation, fitting method, transformation method, estimation
The Effects of Using m-Health App to The Body Composition, Blood and Related Variable of Exercise Adherence of Middle-aged Obese Female 자연과학편 : 만 중년여성의 신체조성, 혈액성분 및 운동지속 관련 변인에 있어 m-Health App 사용의 효과검증
김태욱TaeUkKim , 김승철SeungChulKim , 조은형EunHyungCho
54(2) 407-419, 2015
The Effects of Using m-Health App to The Body Composition, Blood and Related Variable of Exercise Adherence of Middle-aged Obese Female 자연과학편 : 만 중년여성의 신체조성, 혈액성분 및 운동지속 관련 변인에 있어 m-Health App 사용의 효과검증
김태욱TaeUkKim , 김승철SeungChulKim , 조은형EunHyungCho
This study was for promoting and continuing the effect of exercise of middle aged female, applying m-Health App with exercise simultaneously and verifying the effect of it. Total 33 subjects(experimental group(n=16), control group(n=17)) participated in this study. Both group exercised for 12 weeks while experimental group used m-Health App in their daily lives. Health status was measured for 3 times(pre-test, after 6 and 12 weeks). 2-way RM ANOVA was used in the result as follows. First of all, there was meaningful reduce in weight, Time×Group interaction. Secondly, there was reduce in fat, BMI, WHR, LDL in terms of time. Thirdly, there was meaningful change in tendency of exercise satisfaction subcategory, Time×Group interaction. Fourthly, there was meaningful change in exercise expectation, Time×Group interaction. Fifthly, there was meaningful change in psychological, mental, physical benefits of exercise satisfaction, Time×Group interaction and improvement of personal relations in terms of time. In conclusion, m-Health App is considered to help exercise participants to have continuous effect of exercise and effective exercise.
Key Words
m-Health App, body composition, exercise adherence
Effects of Adapted Physical Education Majors`Perceived Teacher Competencies on the Emotion Reaction Towards Challenging Behaviors of Students with Disabilities 자연과학편 : 특수체육전공자들의 특수체육 전문성 인식이 장애학생의 도전행동에 대한 감정적 반응(ERCB)에 미치는 영향
김대경DaeKyungKim , 박진우JinWooPark , 이현수HyunSuLee
54(2) 421-430, 2015
Effects of Adapted Physical Education Majors`Perceived Teacher Competencies on the Emotion Reaction Towards Challenging Behaviors of Students with Disabilities 자연과학편 : 특수체육전공자들의 특수체육 전문성 인식이 장애학생의 도전행동에 대한 감정적 반응(ERCB)에 미치는 영향
김대경DaeKyungKim , 박진우JinWooPark , 이현수HyunSuLee
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of Adapted Physical Education Majors’ perceived teacher competencies on the emotion reaction towards challenging behaviors of students with disabilities. In order to achieve the object of the study, the data collected from 413 sophomores, juniors, and seniors currently studying adapted physical education in schools located in Seoul, Gyeonggi, Gyeongnam, and Gyeongbuk, where they offer department of adapted physical education, was analyzed. As a measuring tool, Kwon (2008) and Han (2011) questionnaire for adapted physical education educators’ perceived teacher competency and Oh, Seo & Kozub’s (2010) questionnaire on the emotion reaction towards challenging behaviors of students with disabilities were revised, modified, and reconstructed. Data was processed using SPSS 21.0, and the exploratory factor analysis, reliability verification, difference verification, and multiple regression analysis were performed. The results are as follows. First, in terms of the analysis of emotion reaction based on demographic characteristics (sex, grade, disability in the family, friends with disabilities), sex, grade, and friends with disabilities displayed statistically significant difference on emotion reactions. Second, in terms of the effects of adapted physical education educators’ perceived teacher competencies on the emotion reactions on towards challenging behaviors of students with disabilities, the parental education and the special activities of adapted physical education among the sub-factors of perceived teacher competencies affected significantly on emotion reactions, whereas the common knowledge on adapted physical education, curriculum lesson, and education knowledge by disability did not affect significantly on emotion reactions.
Key Words
adapted physical education majors, students with disabilities, challenging behavior, emotional reaction challenging behavior
Effects of Resistance Exercise Training and High Protein Diet on Anabolic Factors of Skeletal Muscle in Sarcopenic Obese Rats 자연과학편 : 저항성 운동과 고단백식 혼합처치가 sarcopenic obese 쥐의 골격근 내 단백질 합성요인에 미치는 영향
정수련SuRyunJung , 김기진KiJinKim
54(2) 431-439, 2015
Effects of Resistance Exercise Training and High Protein Diet on Anabolic Factors of Skeletal Muscle in Sarcopenic Obese Rats 자연과학편 : 저항성 운동과 고단백식 혼합처치가 sarcopenic obese 쥐의 골격근 내 단백질 합성요인에 미치는 영향
정수련SuRyunJung , 김기진KiJinKim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of resistance exercise training and high-protein diet on anabolic factors and insulin resistance of skeletal muscle in sarcopenic obese rats. 50wks of male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly assigned for 4 groups(Chow, HP, Ex, HPEx) after 6 weeks of high-rat diet induced obesity period. The 8-week of ladder climbing exercise significantly reduced body fat and insulin resistance, significantly increased mTOR activity. However hind limb muscles weight were not changed. When treat with exercise and high-protein diet, body fat and insulin resistance did not improve, but rather the effect of exercise training appeared to be inhibited. Therefore high protein diet for improving the sarcopenic obesity may be need more study about the amount and composition of protein.
Key Words
Sarcopenic obesity, Resistance exercise, High protein diet, Insulin resistance, mTOR signaling pathway
The Effects of the Communication Skills of the Senior Sports Leaders Attribute on Emotional Reactions and Positive Self-Management of Participating Seniors 자연과학편 : 노인스포츠 지도자의 의사소통능력이 참여자의 감정반응과 긍정적 자기관리에 미치는 영향
54(2) 441-450, 2015
The Effects of the Communication Skills of the Senior Sports Leaders Attribute on Emotional Reactions and Positive Self-Management of Participating Seniors 자연과학편 : 노인스포츠 지도자의 의사소통능력이 참여자의 감정반응과 긍정적 자기관리에 미치는 영향
The purposes of this study were to examine the basic data to help efficient operation of the senior sport classes by analyzing the effects of the communication skills of the senior sports leaders attribute on emotional reactions and positive self-management of participating seniors. Accordingly, the following conclusions were obtained.
First, the communication skills in the emotional response, internal, external, and social factors influence the positive and negative factors. Second, the communication skills in the positive self-management, internal, external, and social factors affect the life management, health management, interpersonal factors. Third, the impact on the emotional response is positive self-management positive and negative factors affect the life management, health management, and interpersonal factors. Therefore, the communication skills of the senior sports leaders attribute on emotional reactions and positive self-management of participating seniors have a huge impact on the lives of the elderly, when their leaders care for the elderly, they need the right guidance and the practical teaching philosophy interest throughout the life of the seniors. In addition, without the relationship between the leaders and participants, the leaders should treat the elderly in mind, such as parents, maintaining favorable relationships with a lot of conversation.
Key Words
communication skill, senior sports leader, emotional reaction, positive self-management